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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:21 pm Post subject: Raymond de Nez and his outlaws |
Well well well what do we hve here? More fluff of course for the CityFight Campaign!
Be warned this is some of my darkest and most bleak fluff yet.
Raymond de Nez's back ground:
Raymond de Nez was born to a minor noble and Knight of the Relm named Vandas and a young noble woman who held very little sway in the way of things by the name of Mylene .
The family moved to the walled city of Nez from Montfert before Raymond was born, where they bought a large estate outside of the city. They took the last name de Nez to show where they were from, as was Bretonnian custom.
Vandas was not a very good father or husband often handing burtal beatings to Raymond when he did something wrong or at a or at a preseaved slight, in fact there was not a week where one did not see the young Raymond without a black eye and he often made his younger wife Mylene cry and scream weather in the bed chamber or in genral life this became so bad that one day they found that Mylene had hanged herself.
In the end hhe didin't even crae and soon had many more woman crying and screaming in his bed and court.
He was not a fair ruler eather. He taxed his peasants unjustly and not only allowed them to keep only half of the normal 1% that they by the few rights they had were allowed to keep he also made great execution devices and not a day went by with out seeing a peasont swinging from the great gallows or seeing mass beheadings some time for no reason other than they were not working hard.
In the end he got what was comeing to him when he joined a band of knights that set out to distory a Khonite war bad in woods near Nez. He was flayed alive and his skin was used as a cloke by one of raiders before he died.
Upon hereing of his father grizzly death the now 27 year old Raymond reportly mumbled to himself "I gusse thats karma or the anger of the Lady"
Hopeing for the things his father to be set to right he was deeply disapoined when the higher ranking Nobles of Nez allowed the Merchant guilds to buy up his home and let the evil to continue at the hand of the merchants.
Homeless and disowned Raymond turned to the knights of the ctiy for justace but was turned down. They would have nothing to do with the son
of such a vile man.
He even turned to the Exiles but they did not care.
Angered with the Nobles, Knights, Exiles and merchants he threw his lot in with the Botherhood hopeing to make things better for all of Nez
Last edited by Dwi on Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:43 am; edited 2 times in total |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:47 pm Post subject: |
Father Thomas Hoch:
A Former Priest of Sigmar from the Empire, Thomas like the infamous Luthor Huss spoke up against the greedy and pointless polaticing of the high ranking members of the cult.
Sadly however he idid not have the Grand Theogonist's backing like Luthor had and was excommunicated and exiled to Bretionna.
After choseing the Dukedom of Lyonesse as it resembled his home provence of Nordland he setteled down in Nez and used his hammer wielding arms for black smithing.
However after a few weeks of liveing there he was angered at the evil that has taken over the city and joined the Brotherhood to help make it a better place.
After meeting Raymond he quickly became friends with the younger man and joined his band.
He serves as the theologic advizer, therd in command and blacksmith for the outlaws.
Last edited by Dwi on Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:27 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:05 pm Post subject: |
"Little" Jacques:
Hardly little the huge man gained the name as joke from his friends.
The woods man joined the Brotherhood after the Merchant's inposed iron fisted taxes on his wood cutting interpise and he ended up loseing it.
After burning a stall in anger the huge bearded man had to flee the city and soon after ended meeting Raymond.
He is the Outlaw's muscle and second in command despite the fact he has little in the way of brains outside of farming and woodworking.
He is often seen leading the charge with his thick, iorn banded quarterstaff held high.
Last edited by Dwi on Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:29 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:12 pm Post subject: |
"Red" Gerard:
"Red" Gerard, Gerard the Scarlet, The Red Peasant and Old Red, Gerard goes by many names but most of the time he is called Red or just Gerd.
A former Yoman under Raymond's father Vandas the old peasant joind Raymond and the Brotherhood a week after Raymond did.
He now serves as Raymonds chife horseman and often leads the horse rabble in to battle.
His skill is a legend amongst other Yoman some even say he was to be a knight but that never would have happened. |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:22 pm Post subject: |
Florian Armand:
A peasant with great skill with a lute and harp Forian is the Outlaw's entertianer, spy and assassin as many nobles would like a good entertainer at partys afterall.
He is well known within the Brotherhood for his skill with poison makeing, knife work and underhanded fighting style. |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:47 pm Post subject: |
The Rabble:
The peasant rabble form the mainstay of Raymond's Army. Gathered from the backstreets and farms these bands of men are not very skill but raymond knows how to use them right.
The Foot Rabble:
They are often formed in to four or five ranks ranks.
The front rank is men of avrage age betwean 24 and 40 who have seen some combat but not much. They are often seen wielding long hafted weapons like pitch forks, hoes, sythes and sharpend spades and shovels.
The second and sometimes therd rank is made up of younger men betwean 15 and 24. These men sre here to take some encuragement from the older men in front.
They often use wood axes, clubs, short spears and sometimes even swords.
The next rank is formed up of middle aged men of 41 to 60 and they prefur to use lighter weapons like carveing knifes, daggers, hammers and hatchets so as not to get too tired too fast.
The last rank is formed up of the old men from 60 to 65. They are armed with the same weapons as the middle aged men but they also have short ranged weapons like slings and throwing spears, thorwing axes and crudely made crossbow pistols and sometimes if they get lucky and loot a large trade caravan of the Merchant's Guilds, pistols.
The Bow Rabble:
Just like amy other Bretonnian armt archers play a big part in Raymond's. They are the second most comman warriors in Raymonds army.
Usely armed with ling bows and daggers they have been seen with crossbows here and there, most likely looted from an ambushed Guild caravan.
The Horse Rabble:
These riders form the mainstay of Raymond's calvary. These brave men are most often mounted on ponies and wielding spears and bows. They are however nowhere near as skilled as Yomen in the saddle and are often out classed by the trusted peasantry.
Last edited by Dwi on Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:15 am; edited 2 times in total |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:14 am Post subject: |
The Trusted Men:
Raymond knows that his foes have many better troops than he dose and so often promots peasants who are the strongest, toughest and the downright meanest to the upper ranks.
However it is not just peasants that fight for him
The Guardsmen:
Raymond's answer to the Noble and Knights' Met at Arms these men are sometimes former Men at Arms that he has convinced to fllow the Brotherhood but most of the time theye are just the best fighters in the rabble.
They are armed the same way as other Men at Arms with spears, halberds and bilhooks however their shield are rather smaller and only the front ranks have anything in the way of good armour.
The Horse Guard:
Raymond's answer to the knight these men are the best well armoured, the most heavly armed, the bravest and the most skilled men in Raymond's army who he often leads himslef.
Many are high ranking peasants however a good few are low, minor ranking, outcast nobles and even formley retired knights who want some pay back on the Knights, Merchants and Nobles or just want to set things to right.
So there you are folks! Feed back would be most welcome |
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Tarlen da Foeburna Moderator

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 62 Location: The darkest corner of the Border Princes
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:53 am Post subject: |
Extra points for the first fluff and what I assume are Robin Hood references!
Good stuff. I see Raymond's men working quite well with the Brotherhood... |
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Dwi Militia
Joined: 20 Apr 2011 Posts: 33 Location: Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:13 am Post subject: |
Thank you! Yes I was inspired by old Hood however there is also great insparation from the Scotts, Welsh and Irish.
I also intend a few Braveheart style battles when the game starts. |
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