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DemonSlayer Site Admin

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 300
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:49 am Post subject: Final fluff update |
Battle on the docks
Through the dark, rainy sky, Sir Guy approached the dwarf with bloodlust in his eyes, slowly, threatheningly. He saw his opponent reach for something elongated and thin, and in the dark, he realized too late that his adversary was preparing one of the famed Hochland Long Rifles! 'Coward!', the knight cried out, and muttered a prayer to the Lady. An effective one, apparently, for although the shot hit him, the pain was numbed by what Sir Guy supposed must have been the Lady's touch, and he continued onward, unwounded.
Barrik Bran Wyr cast his rifle to the ground, and drew his own weapon- a dwarven morningstar in one hand, and a long, vicious-looking club in the other. With an angry, defiant look the dwarf watched the knight approach.
Screaming, the knight ran at the dwarf. But just before his blade contacted, the Barrik sidestepped and slammed his weapons into a surprised sir Guy. The reach of his club was just a bit short to hit his opponent in the agile manoeuver, but the morningstar caught the knight in the chest. However, again, the knight simply shrugged off the blow, and pressed the attack. His two swords described a hateful pattern in the air, and the longer blade bit deep in the dwarf's flesh.
Bran Wyr was far from finished, although blood streamed down his arm. He was a dwarf, and a dwarf would not give up just because of a tiny scratch from a manling. Enraged he lifted both his weapons and swung them at his hateful opponent. Sir Guy, however, quickly grabbed the corner of his cloak and pulled it taut in front of him, which much speed out of the blows when they connected. Worse, the unexpected move caused the dwarf to lose his balance.
With a smile born of rage, sir Guy raised both his blades and brough them down on the dwarf, cutting deep in the dwarf's shoulders. Bran Wyr cried out in pain and fell down. A spray of blood gushed from his wounds, blinding sir Guy who stepped back with a cry of suprise and revulsion.
'You damned rodent! You dare bleed on me?' He turned around, took hold of his cloak and rubbed the blood out his eyes. 'The blood of a coward does not deserve to cling to true nobility! I will-'
But as he turned around again, sir Guy saw that the dwarf was gone. Vanished without a trace. No- not without a trace. As a lightning bolt illuminated the sky, he saw a smear of blood on the ground, leading to the side of the dock. Looking out to see, sir Guy saw the dwarf in a boat, drifting away from him, towards the safety of his Ironclad.
In his rage, sir Guy could do nothing but laugh at the world.
The fate of Nez
In the center of the town, the undead Thierulf killed yet another pair of citizens cowering before him, when someone called out to him. Looking to where the challenge came from, he saw a lone knight, standing some twenty feet away from him.
'Vile creature, I am Gareth Marchand, the Huntsman! Prepare to die, monster!'
Without further warning, the knight ran at the dead form of the Grail Companion, only to sink to his knees after three steps. Screaming and clutching his head, the knight tore off his helmet, revealing a pair of horns that slowly protruded his forehead! The black mail he wore shone with an eerie green light, the warpstone worked into the metal slowly mutating its wearer.
Unflinching, Thierulf walked up to his challenger, but defying his pain Gareth quickly drew a dagger that glowed with an equal light at the undead, clutching his head with one hand. Thierulf, however, deftly avoided the dagger, which flew past him, cut into a wall behind the monster, and slowly melted the stone wall until the weapon fell to the ground.
Thierulf continued to approach the knight, when something struck him from the back. Turning around, he saw a vicious woman battering away at him with a spear. Unimpressed, the skeletal warrior's free hand picked up the assassin and tossed her aside like a rag doll. The woman lied there, moaning as pain wrecked her. When landing she had hurt her back on a loose stone. The assassin knew she wouldn't take part in this fight anymore, and disappeared.
Then sir Gareth rose and whistled sharply. Immediately his horse came galopping, and in one smooth motion sir Gareth climbed into the saddle, raising a sword that hummed with magical power. Slashing it at the undead knight the living knight hit twice, but did not penetrate the armour of his opponent, although he could feel the crackling energy of the sword pierce through a magical barrier that surrounded Thierulf.
In return, Thierulf raised his greatsword and hacked at sir Gareth, tearing a good chunk of flesh out of the knight's horse. If it hadn't been for a shimmering field of green energy surrounding the knight, he would've lost his leg in the attack as well. As it was, he was simply sent flying to the ground.
The huntsmen's instincts took over, and deflty he landed on his feet, making a quick roll to cushion the blow. Jumping back on his feet, Gareth charged Thierulf, hacking and goring him with both sword and horns. Thierulf could not withstand the onslaught of the attack, and part of his armor was torn, bone beneath it shattering.
As the bone shattered, a wave of magic exploded from the undead warrior, sending him sprawling to the ground again while all around, walls cracked and windows shattered. The ground itself broke under the undead warrior's feet, and bodies of dead townspeople were flung in all directions by the impact of the force.
Thierulf looked down on the knight, raised his blade, and ended the mortal's life.
Then Thierulf was hit in the back by an powerful force. Too late had he noticed the sound of hooves bearing down on him, and a lance almost tore off his arm.
Slowing down after the impact, sir Gaspard, sitting atop his warhorse, turned around and raised his visor. 'You fight well, again a pitiful peasant lover! Now let us see how you deal with a real knight!'
Thierulf simply looked at the knight, and slowly his bones and armour were knitted back together by a dark, green magic that seemed to surround the undead before dissipating again. Thierulf raised his blade and began walking towards the new challenger.
'Merde,' Gaspard thought. He had expected to fight a weakened foe, not one on full strength. His honour was reserved for those worthy of it, after all, and this undead... Thing, certainly wasn't worthy. Closing his visor, he prepared to charge again.
The two opponents clashed. Sir Gaspard drove his lance through Thierulf's chest, and more of the explosive energy was released, hurling the knight off his horse and slamming him into the ground, hard.
Thierulf ran at the downed knight, who slowly got up. But as Thierulf was about to strike, sir Gaspard unclasped his cloak, and threw it in the abomination's face! Blinded, Thierulf struggled to get the wet, muddy thing out of his face. Many would have said this manoeuver to be unknightly, but then again, there was nobody around to see it.
When Thierulf finally got the cloak out of his face, sir Gaspard was gone. Then the undead felt a harsh blow to the back of his head, sending his black iron helmet flying.
Meanwhile, the horse, fleeing up a stret from the battle, slipped and knocked over a wagon filled with barrels, which promptly rolled down the street- and into Thierulf! Sir Gaspard deftly evaded the barrels, but the undead knight was knocked down and pinned under a heap of the heavy, ale-filled barrels.
Sir Gaspard smiled despite his pain, and limped over to the skeletal Thierulf. 'Not so tough now, are you?' He muttered. Then he raised his steel-clad boot, and brought it down on Thierulf's skull.
The moment Gaspard shattered the skull, a bright ray of white light shot forth from the slain warrior, up into the sky. And for a moment, sir Gaspard thought he saw the image of an aged knight in the light, raising his blade at him- in a token of respect or hate, sir Gaspard did not know.
The magic that had lent its strength to Thierulf, both in life and in undeath, coalesced into a ball high up in the air, shining bright as the sun. For an instant, night turned to day- then the ball exploded, and an immense force shattered the rooftops and church towers, while searing light turned the vision of all those in the city white, before the energy finally dissipated. Bolts of flame rained down on Nez, but they caused little damage.
Then Gaspard realized something. Had this power exploded in the town itself, Nez would have been reduced to ashes. In fact, he had just saved the lives of every living soul in town- the lives of all those he felt deserved nothing better than execution.
'Merde,' he muttered.
After the explosion above Nez, the fighting quietly settled down. People hid in their homes, terrified by the rain of fire and bright lights than had nearly blinded them. Several days later they came out again, but the impetuous to keep fighting was lost.
The Allied Families of Nez and Unified Trade Council took the initiative in rebuilding the damaged town. In the closing days of the battle, the two factions had come to an agreement to form a council that would rule over Nez- the Council for the Betterment of Nez. The nobles of Nez had made great concessions to the merchants, effectively leaving the control over the town's trade to them. In addition, the merchants had an equal voice in all decisions concerning the town. ach of these decisions was decided on by voting- four votes from the merchants, four from the nobles, and finally, a ninth vote was reserved for sir Theodore Chatin- both a respected noble and the head of a guild.
However, there was little left for them to rule over. The explosion had destroyed many buildings in the church ward, but most of the south and east of Nez had suffered at the hands of the infernal machines employed by the Sons of Exile. The sons, deciding that for now they had achieved their goals, left Nez again. There was little more damage that could be done now, and with the Council for the Betterment of Nez controlling the remaining wards like a strong, unified front, the Sons decided that it was time to move on. However, they would return one day, when Nez was rebuilt and lax, to tear it down once again. One war was not enough to punish the city.
The Chevaliers de Saint Leon, too, left the city behind. Although they were finally able to capture the church ward from its last defender, Alexander Sorriot, they found themselves in a pile of rubble, surrounded on one side by the vengeful merchants and grieving nobles, while on the other side, the Brotherhood of Defiant Amaranth lay in wait. So the Chevaliers fled the city. To where, nobody knows.
The Brotherhood, however, was still very much active, rallying the peasants and burghers in the devastated south against the new Council in the relatively spared and wealthy north. Their revolt would have been succesful, had it not been for a move on the part of Armast van Rensselaer, the newly appointed representative of the west harbor. The people of that ward had rallied behind him, inspired by the good work he had done over the course of the battle. This in turn allowed him some leeway, which let him distribute food among the peasants working for the Brotherhood. A loaf of bread and a bottle of cheap wine for any man who would lay down his weapons. Suffice to say, most of the peasants complied, and the Brotherhood's army crumbled just as it was about to secure victory.
The leaders of the UTC were pleased with the outcome of the battle. Despite the fact that their agents in the city had gone on to cooperate with the ruling nobles, their plan had succeeded, in essence. They were convinced that, if it hadn't been for the war, the UTC would've secured full control over the town. Taking what they had learned and refining the theory, they went on to test it out against other towns.
New alliances
Arlex of the Brotherhood sat in his camp in the Barley, a few miles outside of Nez. He couln't help but feel like they had failed. The people's resistance had melted away like snow in the sun when the merchants had offered them food. The Sons had killed many others. And his colleague and friend, Gareth, the driving force behind the Brotherhood was killed in action.
Suddenly he was disturbed by one of his men. 'Sir,' the soldier said, 'There is someone here to see you. Says he wishes to speak with you.'
Arlex raised an eyebrow, giving the soldier an uninterested look. 'And did he say who he was?'
'A Quenelles man. He wants to talk to you about joining forces. Said he was a member of an organisation called the Red Lions. His name's Julien.' |
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MyrmidianMan Street fighter

Joined: 23 Apr 2011 Posts: 65 Location: Simsbury, CT
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:33 am Post subject: |
Very nice conclusion! Sorry for Gareth though, he did a lot to prepare, our only shot was a scythe we had. Congrats for the Concordat, we did apparently win in the long run, I have helped win a campaign, though one so rarely wins a crushing victory in these things, and I am pleased by this. Speaking of I should post the concordat so everyone can see what finally brought us together. Overall, I'd say the Sons were the most hardcore faction, I mean the knights killed a lot of people and were pretty ice-cold about it, but the Sons just blew everything up, and butchered everyone, this was a region-based genocide. Oh, and I guess i have to give congrats to van Renss for saving us at the end, thanks van Renss.  _________________ Now Andre, how am I related to these people?
-a phrase spoken at least once a day by Bertrand de Fries
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DemonSlayer Site Admin

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 300
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:19 pm Post subject: |
I figured van Rensellaer had a bit more backing from the people, since he spent so much effort on rebuilding the west harbor.
The Brotherhood actually came out on top, but with the UTC and AFN joining hands they topped them again. Also, the fact that they controlled the poor locations, while the CBN held the rich locations meant they should have a bit of an upper hand.
The Chevaliers started out very strong, but eventually got bogged down in the church ward. Then there were the Sons, who did pretty good overall. However I really couldn't see them staying- they tore down most of the south, figured they were done, and are now waiting for Nez to rebuild before kicking the town's teeth back in.
The challenges, well, wow. Mark spent god knows how much gold and letters on getting the best equipment (even accepting some warpstone equipment- hence the mutation), and gets offed. Then Mogsam comes along with completely mundane equipment, and wins. In fact his horse landed the killing blow! And you should all thank him, because I had no problem with Thierulf detonating in the city if he wasn't defeated . |
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Sir Mark of Aquitaine Street fighter
Joined: 21 Apr 2011 Posts: 75 Location: Finland
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:14 pm Post subject: |
I fight...get mutated.....die in combat....and someone else comes and takes the credit.....just my luck
Anyways great fluff and have to say I loved it on every turn
Can you tell the exact effects of the armor, dagger and sword.
I would also like to hear the stats Thierful had.
Ps. did Thierfuls wounds fill up between the two duels? |
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NewGuy Moderator

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 102 Location: Norsca
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:32 pm Post subject: |
The sword gives you +1S and +1A (cumulative) every round of close combat, until you scored an unsaved wound at which point it would reset. Of course, should someone evil get hold of it it would also do a S3 hit to you every round until blood was spilled. _________________ They may take our lives, but they'll never stop the WAAAAGH!!!! |
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DemonSlayer Site Admin

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 300
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:36 pm Post subject: |
Warpstone Dagger: A thrown (ie ranged) weapon, S4, negates armour saves. Wielder makes a toughness test; if failed, he gains one mutation.
Warpstone mail shirt: 4+ Armour save, 4+ ward save. Wielder makes a toughness test; if failed, he gains one mutation.
You failed one of the toughness tests, meaning you received one mutation. I used the Path to Glory mutations for the effect.
Thierulf was actually equipped with pretty standard equipment. The only things not on the list were a 5+ regen save (a cloak would do the same thing, however), and a 3+ ward save against mundane attacks (so your magic weapons passed right through them). Sure, he was tough, but I didn't want to make him overpowered.
I restored Thierulf back to his starting wounds between the two duels- no sense giving Mogsam an unfair advantage . |
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Dihenydd Militia

Joined: 26 Apr 2011 Posts: 38 Location: Coach is in the Dusty Drum Tavern
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:43 pm Post subject: |
Overall accomplishements (sorta)
Victories - Check
Made Cash - Check
'Bought' Stadium - er cough cough, check. The previous owner won't be needing it any more....
Made Cash - Check
Made new fans - Check
Made Cash - Check
Opportunites for socializing with the muckety mucks - Check
Made Cash - Check
Become new Capo - Check (ok so only in fluff not full reality)
Made Cash - Check
Bash Heads - Check
Made Cash - oh you get the idea
yeah sure, joined the UTC, whatever the heck that was. So long as it means $ flows around and there's still enough high and mighty's who will pay good coin for dubious pleasures, then I call it a victory.
Goals not accomplished:
Was hoping to smash one Nobility if we had a few more turns.
Didn't get the fluff piece and special project complete that would have allowed me to fully take over Grish's operation.
Enter into some more dubious deals with more FH's for 'services'. Characters too.
Turn "The Cloak" from fluff character into purchased Assassin.
Still good fun, and at least I got the last laugh with today's BB game, even if there's no Turn 7!!
Excellent! _________________ Bust Loose - Bashing heads for over 30 years. |
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DemonSlayer Site Admin

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 300
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:14 pm Post subject: |
Grish left town, nothing stopping you from taking over his business . |
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Dihenydd Militia

Joined: 26 Apr 2011 Posts: 38 Location: Coach is in the Dusty Drum Tavern
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:22 pm Post subject: |
True but I wanted to establish that in fact, not just fluff with a special project idea I was swirling around
Still, there's a new Capo in town and business will be sweet. _________________ Bust Loose - Bashing heads for over 30 years. |
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DemonSlayer Site Admin

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 300
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:40 pm Post subject: |
Okay, I'll make it official then. Ahem.
With a thud, the steel grill covering the entrance finally fell down, opening up the long tunnel into the sewer. This is where Dihenydd's agent, Cloak, had tracked Grish's latest messenger back to.
Carefully, Dihenydd and his amazon players descended into the dark, shadows hungrily feeding on the flickering torchfire, which desperately tried to survive the strong, foul draft.
Down in the sewer, Dihenydd found what he had been looking for. Grish's hideout. The greedy goblin had taken most treasures and valuables with him, but there were several chests and bookshelves left. Somewhere, something important was waiting for him. He just knew it.
A small, dusty chest, inlaid with gold and silver, caught Dihenydd's eye, resting on one of the top shelves. The coach grabbed it and opened it, to see what was inside.
Grinning, Dihenydd called out to his man Tom. 'Fetch me a light, will ya. I just found Grish's personal cigar stash.'
There ya go, it's official . |
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Mogsam Street fighter

Joined: 24 Apr 2011 Posts: 68
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:46 pm Post subject: |
I won! Take that skull face!
I must have been relatively tooled up compared to everyone else? _________________
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Tarlen da Foeburna Moderator

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 62 Location: The darkest corner of the Border Princes
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:01 pm Post subject: |
You apparently had some sort of vicious murder-horse, that probably helped.  |
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Dunrik Ironhammer Moderator

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 82 Location: Somewhere in the underground of Nez
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:07 pm Post subject: |
Tarlen da Foeburna wrote: | You apparently had some sort of vicious murder-horse, that probably helped.  |
Another prof that the dangerous creature in warhammer is horses.  |
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DemonSlayer Site Admin

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 300
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:15 pm Post subject: |
Mogsam wrote: | I won! Take that skull face!
I must have been relatively tooled up compared to everyone else? |
Not at all! Sure you had some good equipment, but nothing magical. Sir Mark had ward saves, ranged weapons, helpers, magic swords and god knows what else. The dice just favoured you, I suppose.
But yes, the horse actually killing Thierulf was hilarious. That animal's gonna make some fine glue someday . |
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Dunrik Ironhammer Moderator

Joined: 19 Apr 2011 Posts: 82 Location: Somewhere in the underground of Nez
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:32 pm Post subject: |
Okay, that's it, I'm done resurrecting dead grail knights, next time I'll resurrect a friggin' horse  |
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